3 Christian positive affirmations for times of uncertainty and doubts

Updated May 7, 2024  

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Every believer in my opinion should feature Christian positive affirmations in their spiritual weapons shed. In seasons of trials and uncertainties, these resources will prove useful as they help forge the overcomer’s mentality in the believer.

Whether you are experiencing a tough season, stepping out of one, or about to go into one, there is something I know you need: an answer to the question, “What is next?’

Thankfully, this isn’t an unsatisfied or lacking need. Divine direction and guidance is not just a possibility, it is also a privilege given to the believer.

Leveraging these Christian positive affirmations.

On this page, you would find specially handcrafted affirmations from the bible (ie affirmation prayers around what the bible says). This article was designed to help you discover the applicability of God’s word in real-world problems and prepare your mind, sufficiently, to profess these Christian affirmations.

I took the comprehensive approach because I don’t want you to just say a bunch of words. I want you to say these words with understanding, and complete conviction in the word of God.

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To make the most out of this, we advise that you apply the following tips;

  • Try to read all the content and understand it.
  • Make them your morning affirmation prayer for as long as want to.
  • Bookmark this page to store them and have them readily available.

Christian Affirmation #1: The Leader you should follow

There is one Leader you must follow for the efforts of other leaders to matter in the long run.

He would not let his people be anything less than what He has made them to be. There is no one more invested in seeing you fulfill your purpose than he is. He is Yahweh, the source of life, and his incarnate, Jesus, is the custodian of life. Every life within his care is safe and preserved.

But yet the lesser wisdom of mankind in the lips of some motivational speakers trick us into a woeful attempt of doing the job of The Custodian. Is He not competent enough? Do we not know his plans?

Yahweh says of His plans; “’For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.“— Jeremiah 29:11.

Prayer Affirmation #1:

My life is not in a precarious state

Today, I choose to follow the plans of God for my life

The Lord is making my paths straight as I trust in him above my own understanding and the lesser wisdom of man.

My life is not micromanaged in God’s hands.

This week, I take orders as one in the ranks of God.

I am marching on with heaven’s armies under the leadership of the Grand Commander.

The will of God is established in my heart.

And my heart is saturated by the glory of Yahweh as the waters cover the seas.

Christian Affirmation #2: You are led by God

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Right from the moment we could comprehend the above question, our search for purpose and meaning in this world began. Truthfully, at some stage in life, we all wander upon this earth lost questioning our reason for being.

A graphical design for post on Christian positive affirmations for times of uncertainty.Has title "I am led by God."

Today, I bring news. As a Child of God, you can be led by God. You can receive your true purpose and find meaning in life. This is what the word of God says

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Romans 8:14

Divine leading is a heritage for all Christians. Be it through dreams, His word and a plethora of other ways, God is able to get your attention and effectively communicate His message.

Prayer Affirmation #2:

Abba!!!! I am Your child.

You are my Creator and my Father.

Today, Lead me by hand. Instruct me. Guide me. Discipline me.

As I follow you today, I experience the extraordinary in my life.

Abba!!!! I have your spirit.

Because the Lord is with me, I will make it through the fire of oppression and waters of difficulty alive and unscathed.

This week, as He leads, I listen and follow.

Christian Affirmation #3: You can discern God’s voice

If you have a spirit which you do, God can speak to your heart. Furthermore, the coexistence between the Holy Spirit and our inner spirit enables us to hear God clearly when he speaks.

A graphical design for post on Christian positive affirmations for times of uncertainty.Has title "I can discern God's voice."

Be advised. As a mature Christian, nobody is better informed of God’s plan for your life than you are. Thus you are better suited to discern God’s plan and will for your life. You can walk in obedience and grow in discernment of His voice amongst the noise of the world

Prayer Affirmation #3:

Declare this with me:

I am growing in discernment of God’s voice.

My mind is open and alert to the instructions of God.

My heart is sensitive and receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I stop to listen to what God is saying to me. My spiritual organs and faculties are quickened to decode supernatural communications.

This week, I will train my human spirit to be more discerning by spending time in His word. I hear the Word and Do the Word. As I build a track record of obedience, the glory of God manifests in my life.


Christian positive affirmations prepare us mentally to be able to choose the wisdom of God over all else. In the confession of these Bible-based affirmations, we find the boldness and willingness to stick with God’s will for us through the trying times.

Declare these powerful words, and do what is required of you each day you use them as a daily scripture affirmation.

Achinike Amadi
Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.
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