How to Make God a Priority in Your Daily Routine; 7 Practical Steps That Work!

As with any thriving relationship, dedicating time, care, and commitment to nurturing your relationship with God will make it stronger…
Chinny Ameh

on September 23, 2023

  • As with any thriving relationship, dedicating time, care, and commitment to nurturing your relationship with God will make it stronger and better. Prioritizing God brings us closer to Him, and it allows us to experience Him in all of His fullness.

    However, in a fast-paced world where numerous priorities demand attention, how can we truly make God a priority in our daily routines?

    If you’ve ever pondered this question and desire to make God a priority each day, you’re in luck. The article will guide you through 7 practical steps to help you prioritize God in your daily life. 

    7 Practical Ways To Make God A Priority In Your Daily Routine.

    #1. Be committed to prayers

    When it comes to developing a relationship with God, prayer is a necessary lifestyle to develop. In Luke 18:1, Jesus encourages us with a story to pray always and not give up. Again, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to pray without ceasing. 

    Making prayer a lifestyle provides countless spiritual benefits, some of which include;

    • Prayer brings you closer to God.
    • Prayer helps you focus on important things. 
    • Prayer gives you strength to face challenges and come out strong. 
    • When you pray, you are able to align  our thoughts and actions with God’s will.
    • Prayer keeps you aware of God’s presence.
    • It keeps your focus on God and His promises.
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    Are you wondering where to start from? 

    Developing a prayer life is super easy. You can start by praying a few minutes before and after bedtime, and gradually increase the time as you go on. Setting aside time and space for a daily prayer with God creates an atmosphere of personal encounter with God.

    Ensure to pray in a quiet, peaceful place free from distractions, so you can connect more deeply with God.

    Related: 16 Effective prayers for self control.

    #2. Study and meditate on scriptures

    “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.”


    To genuinely know the Lord, you need to spend time immersing yourself in His written Word. Communication with God involves you speaking to Him and listening to His voice. Reading the Bible provides a direct channel for God to speak to us.

    Start small, read a verse each morning, meditate on it, and practice it. Gradually increase the amount you read, progressing to whole chapters. When we are faced with troubles, The Word of God strengthens our faith and helps us discern His voice amidst the noise.

    #3. Prioritize worship and fellowship

    Worshiping with other Christians is an important step to take if you want to prioritize your relationship with God. Attending church services, participating in worship sessions, and attending Christian seminars and conferences are all methods to fellowship with other believers. 

    When you engage in these practices, you create a foundation for bonding with God, and developing godly relationships with other Christians as well. Relationships like this will boost, strengthen, inspire, and encourage your spiritual growth.

    There are several scriptures that show the importance of fellowship and worshiping with fellow believers. Let’s take a quick look at some of these scriptures;

    “Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.”

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    “Well, my brothers and sisters, let’s summarize what I am saying. When you meet, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in an unknown language, while another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must be beneficial to all, to strengthen them up in the Lord.”

    1 Corinthians 14:26 

    It is important that you find a local church assembly if you don’t have one. And where you are unable to attend church physically, you can find online worship services, Christian conferences, or prayer groups to get started.

    #4. Include God in your daily conversations

    Making God a priority goes beyond praying and attending church services. Actively include Him in your daily conversations by sharing your challenges and victories.

    Seek His guidance and recognize that His presence is with you every step of the way. Proverbs 3:5 gives a cue, it says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your understanding.”

    When we turn to God first before making any decision – however big or small – it shows that we prioritize and trust Him above everything else in our lives.

    #5. Create spiritual boundaries to guide your heart 

    Spiritual boundaries are essential for our overall spiritual well-being. Living as Christ’s ambassador requires setting clear boundaries to guide our beliefs and actions. 

    It takes a lot of self-analysis, self-awareness, and prayer to establish spiritual boundaries.

    To set boundaries, you need to pay close attention to;

    • Your choice of friends 
    • How you decide to use your body
    • What you give your ears and eyes to
    • What you say and how you say them. 
    • The places you visit

    Matthew 5:13 tells us to shine our lights so our good deeds can be seen by others, and our lives can glorify our Heavenly Father.

    2 Corinthians 6:17 is another verse that talks about setting boundaries. It says, “Therefore, come out from them and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.”

    Take each day as an opportunity to serve the Lord, enact His will, and inspire others through your actions.

    #6. Practice gratitude

    Practicing gratitude is an important spiritual exercise that keeps your attention on the positive aspects of life by acknowledging God’s goodness.

    Most Christians do not know how to deal with difficulties. Allowing difficulties to overwhelm you can take your focus away from God. 

    Having a grateful mindset regardless of what you go through keeps your faith strong. It helps you focus on God and His never-ending goodness.  

    Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:6 not to worry, but in everything to bring our needs to God in prayer and petition, with a thankful heart.

    Make it a practice to take moments each day to reflect on your life and offer thanks to God.

    No matter how tough life gets, there is always something to be thankful for. Some good examples are the roof over your head, good health, family and friends, your job, and even the small things in life.

    #7. Enjoy the process

    Prioritizing God is a lifestyle that develops over time. Be committed to praying, giving thanks, living a holy life, and reading Scriptures daily, taking it one day at a time. 

    Recognize that success and failure are part of what makes the journey great.

    When you fail, remember that you are not made strong by your strength, but by His strength, which is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)

    Keep Psalm 37:23-24 in mind, knowing that even if you fail, the Lord will grasp your hand and guide you every step of the way. So accept His love and pick up where you left off.


    Making God a priority in your daily routine may be challenging, but it is possible. When you prioritize prayer, Bible study, fellowship, boundaries, and gratitude, you can establish a relationship in which God comes first in your life. 

    Developing a God-first lifestyle is a process, and you should be patient with yourself. Understand that there are chances of stumbling; and if this happens, get back up and remember that God’s strength is what keeps you going.

    Chinny Ameh
    Hi, I'm Chinny, a Christian writer with the desire to guide people on their journey with God.Through carefully researched writings and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I encourage believers to embrace their faith, conquer life's challenges, and experience personal and spiritual growth.

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