16 Effective prayers for self control.

Updated May 7, 2024  

prayers for self control
In This Article

Prayers for self control become necessary in any or both of the two circumstances. Either you, as a believer, want to remain resolute in displaying discipline or in the case of an inability to show self-control.

Discipline is an important character trait that identifies the Children of God. God is particular about it and wants us to demonstrate this value.

From Luke 42:46, we know that one way we can accomplish this is by rendering prayers for self control to God through Jesus Christ.

In this article, I highlight 16 prayers for self control

Related: Learn what the bible says about self control

Before you start.

You can go right ahead and skim the entire article and when you’re ready, do the following under-listed instructions.

Here are a few things I think you might want to do before starting;

  • Let the consciousness dawn on you. Know that willpower isn’t enough to keep sin at bay. Have the awareness of your weaknesses and propensity to sin. This allows you to seek help in humility and for God to extend a helping hand.
  • Enter focus mode. If you aren’t already in a quiet place, find one. If perhaps you’re commuting or in a public place, save this article for later. Wait until you can go into your inner room where there is peace and quiet.
  • Condition your heart. Give yourself a moment or two to prepare yourself to go before The Throne of Grace. Take deep breaths and just focus on your need for the consecration of your heart by God. Be honest and sincere.
  • Pray in detail and Listen. If you fill the need to expound on a prayer point, Go ahead and do so. Get specific, if there are names you can call or secrets you can confess, feel free and safe to air them. As you pray, be attentive. Listen in your heart for a possible response from God.

Effective prayers for self control

The concept of self control permeates into various dimensions. So I decided to group these prayers for discipline under the following headings. Feel free to skip to the most applicable one.

Here are over 15 effective prayers for self control that charismatic leaders can wield.

Prayer for self denial

Self-control and discipline motivate abstinence from food, water, and drink.

  • Dear God, we call you father because you are one. Yahweh, you continue to ensure that all creations are fully catered for. Food, water, and wine you have provided. They are good. However, if left unchecked. they can be noisome. I want to live by Your Word not just by bread and drink. Let your word strengthen me from the inside out and cause me to restrain from overindulgence in these things.
  • Dear Father, I am able to demonstrate self discipline and control only because you have granted me power through your spirit that resides in me. I acknowledge my drinking habits have gone over the top and I have shown no restraint towards it. Help me rise above this addiction by the pierced hands of Jesus Christ. Amen
  • Right from the fall, it has been human nature to be drawn to bodily items. I am not different. But you know this and deemed it thoughtful to include me in the salvation plan through Jesus. I want to be redeemed. I want you, O Lord, to raise me into life.
prayer for self control graphic

Prayer for drug addiction

  • All things are legitimate. But Paul, your servant teaches that not all things are good. I agree with him. I no longer want to be a person who depends on chemical substances just to get by. I want to get through each day of my life by depending on you so that the fruit of self-control is evident in my life. Do for me what I can not do for myself. Deliver me.
  • Oh, Creator of heaven and earth. You are distinguished. Holy are you, Lord. There is no one like you, eyes have not seen neither have ears heard of a God like you. It was your intention that Man reflected your spiritual personality but sin perverted our nature. I am not any different. Yet I know all good things come from You seated in heaven. Please, give me the Holy ghost so I can cause death to the sinful nature inside of me.
prayer for sexual sin

Prayer for control of the tongue, emotions, and thoughts

When triggered by our external circumstances, thoughts, feelings, and words go rogue. Self-control ensures that we remain free from the influences of our immediate surroundings. Below are prayers for controlling thoughts, emotions, and the tongue.

  • Words, O Lord, are powerful. Life and death lie in the tongue. My words sometimes are profane or hurtful. I backbite and speak out of turn and order. Help me to put a reign on it so that I may enjoy life. So that I may build up those who follow me.
  • I have a big mouth Lord. My words don’t honor you. They are offensive. For such a long time, I belonged to the group of evil doers who sit, laugh at, and mock the righteous. I no longer want to be affiliated with any of such groups. I want to praise you and declare with my mouth your good works in my life.
  • I am short-fused Lord. Many times, I let the behavior of those around me stir up my anger. They have control over me and I want it back. I no longer want external circumstances to provoke me into speaking ill words. I ask that you show me how to love my neighbor just as you love them.

Prayers against Lust of eyes.

prayer for discipline
  • Executing the duty of representing both myself and a group of people, I am bound to encounter corrupt minds and evil practices. But You are my shield, Abba. All their schemes and plan will be futile. Your vindication is my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I will remain standing and fit for service. Amen.
  • Dear Father. For far too long, I have traded integrity for Luxury and comfort. I prioritize the flesh over the spirit. I realize the more I do so, the weaker I become spiritually. I no longer want to compromise my faith. Give me grace as I take active steps to undo this mindset, O merciful Lord.
  • Jesus! Each time I behold anything packaged to glitter, I am hooked, Lord. I desire to possess it so badly even when I know it can’t satisfy the needs of my heart. Articles of ostentation are always recipients of my attention and devotion. I want you to help me change this perspective. I want to be able to reject the offer of the world when it means that I lose my soul. Teach me how you did it.

Prayers for sexual sin

We see the core of our sinful nature in the practice of sexual sins. They exert a stronger appeal on the person being lured. The following prayers combat infatuations and lewdness against sexual sins.

  • Dear God, I am struggling to keep the sinful passions of the flesh at bay. I know they are sinful, I do not want to commit them but I inevitably do them anyways. I am miserable and in need of your liberation power. Deliver me, Lord. Teach me to love you more than anything else.
  • I let my guard down one too many times and now I am enslaved by my sinful desires. The power of sin grips me tightly and pushes me into darkness and separation from you. I want no part in it anymore. Jesus, I ask that your light displaces the evil intentions and tendencies in my heart. A new light has come. Amen
  • Dear father, I understand that you chasten those who you love. Discipline is a quality that identifies your children and sadly I haven’t been able to exhibit this trait. Inculcate this virtue into me and Yes, I submit myself to the training however unpleasant.
  • I feel emotionally tied to this person and it’s preventing me from loving you the way I should, Lord. I have exalted this person as the most precious thing in my life placing you aside. It’s wrong of me to do that. Make me love you more. Lose any ungodly yoke from my heart. I am yours and you’re mine.
  • Today, I choose to not conform to the way of the world by submitting to you. I don’t have anything to prove to anyone other than my love for you. Social and cultural pressures can no longer force me to live in a way that is unworthy of the Gospel. Renew my mind, Lord. Refresh my soul!
  • Thank You, Father!
prayer for sexual sin

And that’s it.

Prayers are powerful when filled with and backed by scriptures.

Sin creates a barrier that separates us from God. It may seem like your prayers are unheard and feel that God is far. However, prayers rendered from a true heart go up like a flare that signals the Calvary.

Hang in there, the Calvary is on its way.

Achinike Amadi
Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.
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