Use your Spirit to subdue the mind

Is it possible that the reason you keep indulging the flesh is because You continue to allow the mind have…
Achinike Amadi

on May 7, 2024

  • Is it possible that the reason you keep indulging the flesh is because You continue to allow the mind have a field day each day and exercise no restraint whatsoever against its devices?

    The Later parts of The first chapter in the book of Romans artfully reveals the power and divine purpose of the human mind. It also typically exemplifies how the human mind, if left to its devices, can be harmful to us.

    They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. –

    Romans 1:21 GNT

    Because those people refuse to keep in mind the true knowledge about God, he has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do the things that they should not do. They are filled with all kinds of wickedness, evil, …[…]

    Romans 1:28-29

    The Power and Divine Purpose of the mind;

    God’s design for the Human mind is to know God and let that knowledge cause a response: a change in the state of the heart and/or induce actions that reflect godly values.

    In it we see the power and ability of the mind for intellect, emotional intelligence and willpower.

    The people Paul wrote about exchanged the truth of God for contrivances and lies conceived from human minds. Rather than worship GOD, they gave themselves to sinful passions which resulted in perpetual sin. A state that drags a heavy toll (death). These people were unwise stewards.

    On the other hand truly God’s people are excellent stewards. God’s children are expected to know him, revere him, live a life of righteousness, and in doing so, proclaim the truth about God.

    Bad brain: The dark side of the brain.

    You are different from your brain. You are not your brain. Your brain is organ, a part of the human body. On the otherhand, you are a spirit being.

    The brain is predisposed to act first for the benefit and wellfare of the body which makes it more attune to the flesh—nature of the fallen man— than to the spirit.

    However, it doesn’t discriminate between right and wrong. It would function in both sinful and righteous applications alike. Hence, the need to subdue the mind under the spirit in prayer and with Bible study.

    The brain is restless and shouldn’t be left to its devices.

    In negative self talks, unconscious self-mockery, toxic preoccupations, sordid contemplations, etc we see how our own brains try to sabotage us.

    Some bad devices to watch out for are deceptive messages, compelling urges, unruly demands, rude hijacks, idle preoccuations, primal impulses etc.

    Action plan

    Pray every chance you get. Pray in tongues.

    Read the bible until it get interesting.

    Catch your mind in its traps, be self aware of the scripts running in your brain and their operating conditions. Assess the situation if it requires an action or not. Some devices are better handled by taking no actions. If action is required, follow with patience.

    related: Breaking Free from Negative Thinking: 5 Biblical Steps To Being Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind.


    Today, how will I utilize the power of my mind and use it purposefully?

    Imagine what could become of you and your life if you decided right now to

    • [ ] abominate mediocrity in your life
    • [ ] cut ties and separate yourself from any toxic relationship with a substance or device.
    • [ ] no longer associate or identify with any vice inconsistent with who you are in Christ.


    • Disciplining your mind [today], is saving your tomorrow.
    • When one actively disciplines his mind, he has taken a preliminary steps in excellent self-leadership.
    • Knowing the power of the mind and using it for godly purposes is a fundamental part of excellent self-leadership and stewardship.
    • Knowledge > Desire > Action is a principle to leverage for self-actualization.

    How will these ideas change the way you live on a daily basis?

    Idea source: Meditating on Romans 1:18-32. Read here
    Achinike Amadi
    Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.

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