About Us


Helping you lead you.


A leader within for the world to live.


Where we meet and train.

Who we are



A cohort of young maturing Christians who preside not over many (yet) but over one; themselves. 

Chieflings Logo

A new dispensation is coming

  • The Vision

    We envision the Holy Spirit working in and through people reconciling them to God and raising individuals, families, organizations and nations to life in Christ.

    Then, the entire world will experience the glory of God in full display.

  • The Mission
    • To build young adults; training and teaching them how to preside over themselves and push the agenda of the Gospel.
    • To create a community of men and women who help and support one another to lead the life God has called them to.
    • To become a resource center for preparing, training and equipping worthy candidates for self-leadership.
  • Our values

    To accomplished our mission, we established esteemed entities as our north star.

    1. Intimate relationship with God: Scattered through out the good news about Christ is God’s heart towards a relationship with us. If it means so much to Him,  it has to mean so much to us.
    2. You: It’s about you. That you get to the last line of what God wrote about you. Wining the fight within you and becoming competent for roles that matter. 

We are not a NPO

For full disclosure, we are not a Non-Profit organization. However, we are more of a ministry than a business.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is this Charismatic leadership you talk about?

    Charismatic leadership which we learn and try to teach IS NOT about strong persona, personal charm, or allure. Contrary to general opinion, Charismatic leadership is the leadership style empowered by the Holy ghost.

  • Are there channels one could use to support this work?

    Yes, there are. Currently, we have quite a few of them established. They include; sharing blogposts across the web, participating in comment boxes, making one-off donations we casually call “Buy me a coffee”,  and purchasing goods via affiliate links.

    Your support, however the form, matter. It helps keep this platform operational and encourages us to continue providing quality content.

  • Do you accept guest blog posts?

    Guest posts offer a ton of benefits to both the guest author and the host site. However, there are no provisions for it at the moment. It is in consideration so check back in the near future.

  • Is there a way to join the team?

    Disclaimer: We do not offer any monetary reward for members of the team at the moment.

    But if you’re led to, kindly read on.

    A sustainable structure to recruit and onboard new team members hasn’t been set(yet). These are still uncharted grounds for us as a brand.

    But as an alternative, you could leave us a message and automatically join a waiting list. 

  • I want to volunteer, What do I do?

    Unlike applying to join the team, Volunteer works are short-term. They are a great opportunity to serve and to grow your skills if you’re not in on it for the long haul.

    If you seek volunteer job openings at Chieflings, kindly fill out this form, select the appropriate reason, and include your skillset. 

    Further information will be conveyed via the email provided.

our team

The people bringing this to you.

A group of passionate and skillful persons who share the same vision and are committed to accomplishing the mission.

Click to support team >
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  • Amadi Achinike

  • Trusting For

    Technical Wizard
  • Trusting for

    An author
  • Trusting for

    Graphic designer
  • Trusting for

    Video/Animation magician
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We use cookies to make our site work, improve your experience and enhance marketing. Chiefling's cookie policy.

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Before You Go!!!

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