New Year planning- 9 Rituals to Spiritually Prepare for a New Season

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us are filled with hope and anticipation for the new year. Yet, how often do…
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As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us are filled with hope and anticipation for the new year.

Yet, how often do we find ourselves recycling the same resolutions list year after year? The truth is, the transition from one year to the next isn’t inherently magical. The Earth simply made one complete revolution around the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:4-9 reminds us that history tends to repeat itself, and without intentional change, we may find ourselves in the same place as the previous year. It is no prophecy of doom, but a challenge to do things differently.

So, how can we break this cycle and truly make the most of the new year?

In this article, we teach several actionable steps to guide on this journey (based on Biblical Wisdom for Life Changes). Let’s break this cycle together and make this year truly transformative.

Personal plan for the New Year.

Whatever your plans for the New Year might look like, you want to ensure that preparations are based on what matters most.

Our priorities can stem from motives and circumstances. In other words, they can change with time. This adds an additional level of complexity to the planning process already. And to create a robust and worthwhile plan, one must have an accurate perception of matters pertaining to their importance.

The Bible, says in Mark 7:37.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.

 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

It means you should be concerned about the status of your Soul. Soul maintenance must be part of your new year goals.

Yes, you have to prepare for the year spiritually. This is one aspect of preparation people neglect — The Spiritual. And dare I say, it is the most important plan to put in place.

Because without soul maintenance and care, every other thing — the dream car, house, money, fit body, etc — pales in satisfaction. It is not that these things are bad. Inherently, they are not. However, they shouldn’t come at the expense of weightier matters like your soul.

At the end of the year or season, your spirit should have increased in capacity; Your soul – ever so vibrant, and your mind – yielded to Christ.

Transform Your New Year: Attitudes and Behavior for Spiritual Success

Intentional Living

Living with intention isn’t just another buzzword – it’s the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. It’s about making conscious choices that align with your values and long-term goals.

As Ephesians 5:15-17 challenges us, we need to examine our actions and choose wisely between wisdom and folly.

Before we dive into action steps, let’s explore three fundamental elements that make intentional living work:


Think of self-reflection as your personal GPS – it helps you understand where you are and plots the best route to where you want to go. Use it. It is one of the greatest abilities God gave to you.

Look introspectively into the deep recesses of your life and heart to discover things you need to work on.

Be honest with yourself.

Judge from the lens of your wise advocate so that you are making changes and decisions that align with deep-rooted values.

Take a moment to look back at your journey.

What were your biggest wins this past year? Where did you face challenges?

This isn’t just about listing events – it’s about understanding your growth journey.

Goal Setting

This is where dreams transform into reality; where you set out to do something about a matter. It starts with making your mind up to achieve better results AKA New Year Resolutions.

It is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. A behavior, emerging from an interplay between the heart and mind. Thus, the motivations behind goal setting are usually resonating and inspiring.

Spiritual Growth

I don’t think there will ever come a time on this earth where every soul will unanimously agree that the year was good.

For me, a good year is a year the gospel prevails in my life. And for you, A year in which you; grow spiritually and become more like Jesus; get closer to completing the work God has called you to do; and accomplish all that was written about you.

In light of this, therefore, you know;

  • Each year has a purpose in the grand scheme of things —whether good or bad.
  • Where to channel your energies towards.

Seizing A New Season: 7 Things to Do to Make the Most of the New Year

Navigating new beginnings can be an unpleasant, untidy experience. However, it can also hold fresh promises. With the right mindsets and practices, you can maximize them.

1. Live Life Intentionally

Intentional living is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. It involves making conscious choices that align with your values and long-term goals.

With a lot of factors that influence our behavior, there exists an increased likelihood of being tossed to and fro, distracted or detracted or deceived through the journey of life this year.

Don’t just leave things to chance. Learn the principles that govern what you want to achieve this new season and apply yourself.

Ephesians 5:15-17 challenges us to examine our actions and choose wisely between wisdom and folly.

Ask yourself:

Why am I doing this? Why is it important? What is the expected Outcome? Have I imagined? Do I have an idea what it looks like?

By answering these questions, you can ensure that your actions are purposeful and aligned with your aspirations.

  • Plan with Purpose: Proverbs 6:6-11 emphasizes the importance of preparation. Set clear, actionable goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Remember, “God your will be done” can sometimes be an excuse for inaction. Instead, seek divine guidance and take proactive steps toward your goals.
  • Live with Accountability: Recognize that you are answerable to someone and belong to someone. This mindset encourages integrity and purpose in your actions.
  • Live like you have backing in resources and authority: Luke 10:19. How would live if you knew that you would succeed? Live that way trusting on the strength of God’s word and supply of His Spirit in You. Think abundance; that you have everything needed.

2. Be Relentless.

There are certain things (not everything) that require a great deal of persistence and effort. They fall on your lap when you persist beyond their yield point.

It is a secret in the training of tenacity that when a person perseveres and gives his best for an honest pursuit, it yields dividends.

What would it take? Who would you have to become to attract the blessing? What inconvenience would you put up with? What conveniences are you willing to sacrifice to attain that goal? How quickly do you give up? How resolute and undeterred are you?

Think about Jacob wrestling with the angel until daybreak (Genesis 32:24-26). Now that’s what I call determination! What would it take for you to show that kind of persistence toward your goals?

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

Genesis 32:24-26

It is a funny passage alright, but it carries Biblical wisdom for life change.

This year, consider building tenacity. Cultivate resilient determination, even in the face of challenges, and unlock new successes in areas of your life you never expected.

3. Embrace Continuous Growth

Growth isn’t a destination – it’s a daily journey. As 1 Peter 2:3 reminds us, we’re called to reflect the excellencies of God in our lives.

Growth and improvement should be a daily pursuit. Strive to be 1% better every day, not for accolades, but for personal fulfillment.

If you’ve exhausted your current capacity, consider further education or skill development. Take a course, read books and articles on the subject(like you are doing currently). In today’s digital era, there are tons of helpful resources online from which you can learn about any topic.

Remember, mediocrity and the divine don’t go hand in hand.

4. Act on Your Vision/Run with Prophecy

What is that vision God has revealed to you about you? The dreams he has place in your heart? Have you been hearing from Him?

Ask Him in prayers for the prophecy in the New Year

Beware, there’s a common myth that prophetic words will automatically make the new year different. However, 2 Timothy 1:5-6 teaches us that prophecy requires action and faith.

Reflect on the prophecies you’ve received and take actionable steps to bring them to fruition. James 2:18 reminds us that faith without works is dead.

What have you done with that prophecy?

5. Practice Active Obedience

Being a wise steward means taking action with your opportunities and resources. That is what we at Camp Chieflings are about.

Obedience is more than just saying yes to God’s will. Be a wise steward of the opportunities and resources you’ve been given.

Don’t let this be you: God takes it from you and gives it to another.

Will you use what you have been given? This is a question of stewardship and responsibility.

6. Embrace Consecration & Prioritize Spiritual Connection

Devotional consistency is key to spiritual growth.

John 15:4-7 emphasizes the importance of staying connected to God’s presence. It is the source of empowerment and guidance. Don’t think you can receive from God’s presence and thrive outside it. Make time for prayer, meditation, and reflection to nurture your spiritual life.

Stay in Him. Remain in His Presence, that is how you produce results. One way to do this is through consistent devotional practices eg fasting.

Additional Resource: The Quickstart Fasting Kit for Beginners.

7. Practice Gratitude Daily

As 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us, “In everything give thanks.”

In everything, give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and Psalm 103:1-3 remind us to focus on the positive and express gratitude. Human tendency often leads us to dwell on the negative, but practicing thanksgiving can fuel a positive mindset and resilience.

Comparison and Complaining are the heads of the same fork that has lead people astray from their desired place to place delay, desperation, and bitterness. Practicing gratitude helps us acknwoledge the good in a person’s life.

By acknowledging the good in your life, you can cultivate a spirit of gratitude that enhances your overall well-being.

Conclusion: Your Year of Transformation

Remember, this new year isn’t just another mark on the calendar – it’s your opportunity to become a new person, make fresh decisions, and build structures that support your dreams. As you step into this new season, carry these tools and principles with you.

The path ahead might not always be easy, but you’re well-equipped for the journey with intentional living, persistent effort, and a heart of gratitude. Your transformation story is waiting to be written – and it starts right now.

So, what’s your first step going to be?
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May this year be filled with growth, joy, and abundant blessings as you pursue your goals with intention and faith.

Achinike Amadi
Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.
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