Creating a Morning Routine with God In A Busy World – 5 Successful Ways To Starting Your Day With God

Given how busy life is these days, it might be challenging to keep up with a good devotional life. Having a demanding job or business,…
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Given how busy life is these days, it might be challenging to keep up with a good devotional life. Having a demanding job or business, being a parent, a student, or being in any other challenging role can divert our focus from spending time with God. 

As Christians, God should be our priority, so we need to strike a balance. 

So, if you’re looking for the best ways to start your day with God, you’re in luck.

This article contains easy-to-implement steps that can help you develop a great morning routine with God. In addition, you will also find out the benefits and importance of starting your day with God.

Let’s dive right in!

morning routine graphic

5 Successful Ways To Starting Your Day With God.

morning routine graphic

#1. Wake Up Early Enough, Before Your Day Begins. 

Waking up early is one effective way to establish a great morning routine with God. As you are aware, the morning is quite peaceful and quiet. Our minds are usually clear at this time of day, so it is easier to focus on God, talk to Him about anything, and listen to His instructions without worrying about distractions from family, friends, work, or the day’s activities.

Psalm 5:3 is one verse that encourages us to seek God in the morning. It says,

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

Ensure you take your time and speak to God through prayer. Tell Him everything, including your dreams, fears, and struggles.Thank Him for the prayers He has answered and ask that His grace sees you through the day.

#2. Incorporate Worship Songs Into Your Morning Routine.

Starting the day off with some worship songs is another strategic way to develop a good morning devotion in a busy world. Research shows that Listening to worship songs first thing in the morning helps Christians focus on God and stay positive all day. 

Psalm 59:16 serves as a reminder to worship God in the morning by singing – But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Imagine going about your morning routine while worship songs play in the background. If you want to make it more fun and exciting, connect your Bluetooth speaker or ear pods and just let the music flow. You can start by compiling a list of amazing worship songs.

#3. Use an Audio Bible.

Studying the bible is a must for every Christian. Seeking to understand God’s word is one way we can show our love for Him. One way to show our love for God is by studying His Word. Studying the Bible helps us to know God in all of His fullness.

A lot find reading to be challenging. If you find yourself in this category, you’re not alone; reading with the aid of audio bibles is an excellent place to start.

Using audio bibles has lots of benefits.

  • First, it will help you learn better and retain more information.
  • Audio Bibles are known not just for making bible reading easier, but also for making information absorption and processing easier.
  • In addition, audio bibles are your go-to-guy if you’re struggling with pronouncing biblical names and words.

#4. Say Positive Affirmations.

According to some research, daily recitation of positive affirmations can help you develop a positive mindset towards life. 

When you recite affirmations regularly, it helps to strengthen your relationship with God and align your thoughts for the day.

Repeat words like “I am always glad to be in God’s presence”, “I do not find morning devotions challenging,” and ” God always comes first in my life.”

With these affirmations, you can build a great morning routine with God in no time. 

#5. Take Your Time and Go easy on yourself.

Many Christians become disappointed when they skip a day of their morning devotion. You must recognize that while beginning a new habit, it will take some time to adjust. 

So be patient with yourself, and if you skip a day, start again the next day. Your morning routine will keep growing as time goes on.

Benefits Of Creating A Morning Routine With God.

Creating a morning routine with God offers lots of benefits to our spiritual well-being. Here are some benefits of beginning our days with prayer:

1. It nourishes your spirit.

When you spend your morning with God on a daily basis, your soul gets nourished. When your soul is filled, you’re equipped with strength and wisdom to handle the challenges of the day.

2. It gives you inner peace.

Starting the day with God gives us inner peace and joy. It helps you to align your thoughts and actions with God’s will. And it gives you clarity and peace as you go through your daily activities.

3. It increases your productivity and focus.

Starting your day with God helps to sharpen your focus and boosts your productivity throughout the day. Being focused will help you in prioritizing your daily activities, making wise decisions, and achieving the day’s goal. 

4. It fills your heart with gratitude and contentment.

Spending time with God provides an avenue for you to express your gratitude to God for all He has done. Thanksgiving shifts your focus from negative things to positive things. When you develop a grateful mindset you become content and happy in any circumstance.

5. It improves your emotional well-being.

Having a morning routine with God provides an avenue to express our worries, fears, and anxieties. During your morning devotion, feel free to surrender all your worries to Him, so you can  experience His peace. In turn, this brings healing and stability to your emotions.

6. It helps you build a positive mindset.

When you prioritize God in your morning routine, it helps you cultivate a positive mindset. With a positive mindset, you’ll be able to face challenges without losing your faith in God.  Instead of feeling hopeless and afraid, you’ll remain confident in God and see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

FAQs about developing a morning routine with God

Is It Necessary For Christians To Have A Morning Routine with God?

It is important for Christians to begin their day with God. Given that we live in a chaotic and uncertain world, it is important that we begin each day by giving thanks to God and committing our day to Him. This will Give you courage and an assurance of hope to keep you through the day.

Even our Lord Jesus, when on earth, began each day by spending time with the Father. This is seen in Mark 1:35, which reads, “Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” Jesus is our greatest example, so we should learn from Him.

But keep in mind that our communication with God shouldn’t stop in the morning. Jesus’ morning prayer routine wasn’t His only time of prayer. He prayed in both private and public places throughout the day. Luke 5:16 describes how Jesus frequently withdrew from the multitude to pray.

Generally, building amazing relationships does not come easy. You should be willing to make sacrifices for any relationship to work. And being dedicated to prayer and quiet times with God is one of the sacrifices Christians should make. 

So why would you not want to make spending time with God a habit? 

What Should A Good Morning Routine With God Be Like?

While expressing our thoughts and concerns to God is important, it is equally vital to make room for God to speak to us. A good morning routine includes both talking to God and carefully listening for His direction.

When you open your heart to hear from God, you will develop a closer bond and gain a better understanding of who He is.

So consider creating times of silence, stillness, or meditation into your morning devotions with God. Allow His thoughts to fill your mind, and be open to any revelations or instructions that He gives. 

Realize that nothing in your life is unimportant to God. God loves you and He wants to be part of every aspect of your life, no matter how small or big. Share your joys, concerns, and even the unimportant details of your day with Him honestly and openly.

Lastly, keep in mind that morning prayers should not be the end of your communication with God. Maintain an open heart and consciousness of God’s presence as you go about your regular activities; He can speak to us at any time.


Creating a morning routine with God is possible in a busy world. Cultivating a strong morning devotional routine will require you to be up early, say positive affirmations, and make use of worship songs and audio bibles.

When you place God first, you get closer to Him, set a good tone for the day, and get equipped to face life’s challenges with faith, hope, and confidence in God.

Establishing a fruitful morning routine with God entails engaging in a balanced communication in which you speak and allow God to speak to you. 

Chinny Ameh
Hi, I'm Chinny, a Christian writer with the desire to guide people on their journey with God.Through carefully researched writings and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I encourage believers to embrace their faith, conquer life's challenges, and experience personal and spiritual growth.
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