If someone should ask you, “Who are you?” you would most likely respond with your name, gender, relationship status, nationality, accomplishments, career, or business.
The truth is that who you believe you are today may not be who you will be tomorrow. Life is continuously changing, and so are your aspirations, jobs, relationship status, and accomplishments.
As Christians, however, there is one aspect of our identity that will never change. And that is our identity in Christ – Who You Are in Christ. And if you are wondering how to walk in your identity in Christ, then this article is for you. Keep reading to find out!
Your Identity In Christ Meaning.
When we talk about your identity in Christ, we mean living in full awareness of who God says you are. It is realizing that Christ now lives in you.
To fully understand your identity in Christ, you must first have an understanding of how he sees you and who he says you are. When you understand this, you won’t be moved by the lies of the devil.
It is important to recognise that the world and its systems do not define you anymore. The abundance of what you have does not define you as well.
As believers, we discover our true identity in Christ. Christ is our definition.
Placing your self-worth on achievements and possessions rather than who you are in Christ, signifies an unclear understanding of who you are.
See, you undermine God’s power and plans in your life each time you base your decisions and choices on what is accepted or popular rather than what matters to God. Make a decision today, to consciously see yourself through the lens of Christ.
How To Discover and Walk in Your Identity in Christ.
Not only is it necessary for Believers to recognise their identity in Christ, it’s also significant that we utilize that identity and learn to walk confidently in it.
Below are 4 effective ways of discovering and walking in your identity in Christ;
1. Study the Word of God.
Studying your bible is a great way to understand what is your identity in Christ . Knowing what God says you are and how He sees you are the first step towards discovering your identity in Christ. And you can only know this by carefully studying the Bible. An identity founded on God’s truth will never waver because God’s word is infallible and reliable.
2. Memorize the Word of God.
Studying the Bible is not enough; you must memorize those verses that declare your identity in Christ. Learn them, you can paste them around your house, in your car, and on your office desk. This can help you remember them easily.
3. Meditate on the word of God.
As you continue in your Christian journey, there may be moments where you may feel lost, abandoned, unsure of your identity and purpose. Meditating on Bible verses that remind you of who God says you are will be helpful in such times.
See also: 10 Priceless Benefits of Meditating on the word of God [Backed by Scriptures].
Here are some Bible verses about your Identity in Christ;
- You are forgiven. (1 John 1:9)
- You are free. (Galatians 4:7)
- You are a child of God. (John 1:12)
- You are accepted (Romans 15:7)
- You are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)
4. Confess the Word of God.
Learn to confess God’s Word out loud. Speaking out the Word of God shuts contrary voices up. It is important to say and utter what God says about you. Rather than what your emotions, other people, or circumstances say.
Also see: I am Christian Affirmations
The Impact of Knowing Your Identity in Christ on Your Daily Life.
Knowing and walking-in your identity in Christ can transform your daily life in so many ways. The world is filled with uncertainties, but knowing who you are in Christ provides a firm foundation and hope upon which you can build your faith and navigate any challenges that come your way.
When you understand your identity as “a beloved child of God,” you will find safety and assurance in your relationship with Him. You will be confident in the truth of who He say you are and who your God is.
Below are some impact that knowing your identity in Christ can have on your daily life;
It strengthens your relationship with God:
When you have a solid understanding of who you are in Christ, you will not be tossed to and fro by emotions, circumstances, or doctrines. Knowing your identity in Christ helps you understand that your relationship with God does not change based on how you feel, how horrible things turn out, or what you did or didn’t do.
Always remember that you are a child of God. You are justified before God because of what Jesus did on the cross. God will not abandon you if you commit a sin. Just as stated in Romans 8.38-39, “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Typically, recognising your identity in Christ teaches you that you are no longer slaves. Rather, you are now the King’s children, SEATED together with Him in HEAVENLY PLACES.
It helps you fight temptations:
In Matthew 4.3, the devil tempted Jesus by telling Him, “If you’re the son of God, turn these stones to bread.” It’s incredible how Jesus wasn’t moved to prove anything to the devil. Jesus recognised who He was, and didn’t need the devil’s affirmation to prove His identity. Now, that’s our example right there.
When you understand your identity in Christ, you will be able to resist the devil when he appears, just as Jesus did.
Galatians 2.20 is an excellent verse to confess when confronted with temptation.
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2.20
It strengthens your love walk:
The more you understand God’s love for you, the more you will be able to freely love others. The Bible tells us to love as our Father has loved us.
It will be difficult to forgive others if you do not fully understand the enormous love that Jesus poured out on us on the cross.
The more you understand who you are in Christ, the more confidently you can stand in His love. And once you understand that your cup is filled by your Father, you will be able to share it with those around you.
Maintaining A Healthy Self-image of Who I am in Christ.
It is one thing to know who you are in Christ, but it is another to maintain a positive self-image of your identity in Christ.
As a Christian, having a positive self-image of who you are in Christ is critical. Especially because we live in a world that has a lot of negativity. When you are sure in your place in Christ, you make it more difficult for the enemy to flood your heart with his lies.
Here are some effective ways you can maintain quality healthy self-image of your identity in Christ;
- Make a list of confessions on who God says you are based on scriptures. You can paste them in your house, write them on your phone, or on a small note that can be easily carried around.
- Make a playlist of songs that talks about your Identity in Christ and play them everyday. – Surround yourself with positive minded believers.
- Prioritize spending time with other believers. Go to church. And ensure you’re part of a church where the truth is taught.
- Most importantly, prioritize spending time with God through Bible study and praying.
Conclusion on Knowing Your Identity in Christ.
Knowing who you are in Christ is a definite way to remain positive in a negative society. When you don’t know who you are, the devil takes advantage by filling your heart with his lies.
Make time to learn what God’s Word says about you and then speak it out loud. The guides given in this article are some of the most effective ways to change your self-image and begin to see yourself as God sees you.