Renewing of Your Mind: 5 Biblical Steps to Transform Your Mind.

The mind is a battlefield, hence, there's a need to renew your mind daily. The Bible in Proverbs 23:7 says "That as he thinketh in…
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Being Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind
In This Article

The mind is a battlefield, hence, there’s a need to renew your mind daily. The Bible in Proverbs 23:7 says “That as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. This scripture tells us that our thoughts reflect who we truly are. 

We must realize that negative thinking spreads like a virus and it can affect anything it comes in contact with. It starts with one wrong thought and gradually, it creeps into your attitude, behavior, and relationships. This is why every believer needs to fight against this force. 

If you’ve been dealing with negative thoughts and searching for the best ways to renew your mind, this article is for you. In this article, you’ll discover 5 Biblical steps to being transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Let’s dive right in. 

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5 Steps On How To Renew Your Mind 

Below are 5 Biblical steps to renewing your mind and breaking negative thoughts pattern. 

#1. Fill Your Mind With God’s Word.

Reading your Bible every day is an excellent place to start when dealing with negative thinking. This practice can reshape your thinking.

Don’t just focus on reading God’s Word only; endeavor to meditate, seek to know and understand every single detail, and then apply it to your life. Knowing the truth in God’s Word helps you defeat the devil’s lies.

Also, remember to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you every line you read. The Holy Spirit is there to teach us all things, so always ask Him to break down verses you do not understand. Using study Bibles is also great to help you understand the scriptures.

Also see: How to Read the Bible: A Beginner’s Complete Guide

#2. Cast Down Negative Thoughts Immediately.

When you have a thought that is contradictory to God’s Word, don’t let it linger; instead, confess the opposite of such thoughts and quickly direct it to the reality of God’s Word.

Wrong thoughts ought to be handled like pests. Give them no room in your heart. Spare no second to them. The longer you dwell on those negative thoughts, the braver they get.

Let’s take a look at some negative thoughts and biblical truths to give any time you have such thoughts. 

  • When it seems like everything is falling apart, meditate on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • Ephesians 2:4-10 is your go-to scripture when you have thoughts about being unworthy of God’s love. 
  • When your mind is clouded with thoughts of worry, read and meditate on Philippians 4:6-7 and Isaiah 26:3.
  • When your mind is clouded with unholy thoughts, Philippians 4:8 is your best bet.
  • Jeremiah 29:11 is very helpful when you have fearful thoughts about your future. 

#3. Build A Praying Foundation 

When it comes to the war of the mind, prayer is another powerful weapon. God’s word and prayer are an excellent combination for fighting anything contrary to God’s Will. 

When you pray, cast all your worries and fears to God. Confess every sinful thought and ask Him to renew and restore your mind with His truth. 

Here is a simple prayer to help you overcome negative thoughts;

My Father, thank you for rescuing me from my former ways of thinking. Every day, You renew my mind from within. Help me to resist temptations and focus on what is good and right in your sight. Let Philippians 4.8 be easy for me. Holy Spirit, fill and renew my mind to become more like Jesus each day. In Jesus name, Amen! 

Biblical Steps to transform the mind

#4. Memorize Bible Verses 

Psalms 119.11 says,

Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.

When you know the scriptures, you can easily quote them whenever the need arises. Here is a list of memorable bible verses for you

Aside from helping you to resist temptation, memorizing scripture gives you peace of mind, grows your relationship with God, and helps you encourage fellow followers. 

Here are some of the best renewing of your mind verses;

a. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the unseen things. For the things that are seen are transient, but the unseen things are eternal.

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b. Ephesians 4:22-24

Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Find more bible verses to help you overcome negative thinking in this article, From Chaos to Calm: 15+ Powerful Bible Verses About Peace in Difficult Times.

#5. Listen To Worship Songs

The relevance of worship songs in our Christian journey cannot be over-emphasized.

Worship songs are very beneficial to our spirit. They consist of inspirational and motivational lyrics that remind us of;

  • Who we are in Christ, 
  • Who our Father is,  
  • God’s promises, and 
  • God’s commandments. 

Regularly listening to this kind of music would enhance your thoughts because it encourages positive thinking. Gospel playlists are essential for any believer – trust me, they can save lives.

When you are too weak to pray or quote scriptures, listening to worship songs will strengthen your spirit, increase your appetite for prayer, and boost your faith. 

Benefits Of Renewing Your Mind Daily 

Renewing your mind daily is a productive habit that improves your Christian lifestyle, feeds your spirit, and brings you closer to God. 

You may be asking if there is a need to renew your mind daily. Well, the answer is, of course, YES.  

We are faced with different challenges every day. By deciding to align your thoughts with God’s will, you prepare yourself to face these everyday challenges with the appropriate attitude and words. 

Aligning your thoughts with God’s plan will give you peace and joy that exceeds the storms and uncertainties of this world.

Furthermore, renewing your mind will help you stay committed to the faith in which you believe. ​When you daily remind yourself of who you are in Christ, You can boldly resist the lies and temptations of the devil. 

Conclusion On Renewing Of The Mind

Renewing your mind daily is an essential part of Christian living. 

Practicing this daily helps you overcome thoughts that do not align with God’s will, remind you of your identity in Christ, stay committed to your faith and also resist the lies and temptations of the devil.

In this article, 5 Biblical steps to being transformed by the renewing of your mind are discussed. They are; Filling your mind with God’s word, casting down negative thoughts, building a praying foundation, memorizing Bible verses, and frequently listening to worship songs. 

So, what are you waiting for? Make a deliberate effort to renew your mind daily with these 5 steps. 

See also: Use your Spirit to subdue the mind

Chinny Ameh
Hi, I'm Chinny, a Christian writer with the desire to guide people on their journey with God.Through carefully researched writings and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I encourage believers to embrace their faith, conquer life's challenges, and experience personal and spiritual growth.
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