10 Priceless Benefits of Meditating on the word of God [Backed by Scriptures].

Bible meditation, though different from other forms of meditation, has benefits too. The benefits of meditating on the word of…
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  • Bible meditation, though different from other forms of meditation, has benefits too. The benefits of meditating on the word of God are a handful that’s why the bible, on several occasions, God’s instructs us to practice it.

    God’s word and instruction are wholesome and for our own good. It can influence our well-being and happiness. This is why we meditate on it. It was given for that purpose.

    Because the word of God concerns us, our response or disposition should be to meditate on it.

    In view of the below-listed benefits, let us reassess the value of bible meditation and rank it higher up our priority table and schedules.

    pinterest image with title "Why you should meditate on God's word"

    Benefits of Meditating on the Word of God that can transform your inner life.

    1. Relevant Fruitfulness

    Source Text: Psalm 1:3

    When you properly meditate, you internalize the message in God’s word. A part of God’s word now lives within you, going wherever you go. It blesses your life and blesses those who come in contact with you.

    Then you have something to offer when you come across people in need. You can nourish like a fruit salad, restore unto the right path, and cause spiritual awakening with the word of God inside you.

    Meditating on the word of God also unlocks the power to actually solve real-world problems in your life, family, nation, and world around you.

    2. Bible Meditation fosters an Understanding of Spiritual Realities.

    As part of His ministry, the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to produce(in a believer), spiritual maturity—full and accurate knowledge of spiritual realities(Col 3:10). To successfully accomplish this, the believer must come to a sound understanding.

    When you spend time contemplating and probing (with questions) matters concerning God, His Word, and His move in your life, You’re inviting the Holy Ghost to come and administer wisdom. Get a pen and paper or note-taking software ready.

    3. Transformed Prayers and Prayer life.

    By meditating we internalize the word of God and cause it to live in our heart. The living word of God in our hearts inspires, informs, and gives life and power to our prayers. A person who meditates is one who is likely to not only pray but to pray effective prayers as well.

    4. Positive Decision-making.

    Bible meditation mediates positive decision-making.

    I say with all certainty; Every decision made from the careful and accurate interpretation of the Bible is the right one. Why? because the bible, properly interpreted, is the will of God. When you cerebrate on the word of God, you end up making decisions that align you with God’s will and grand plan.

    Meditating on the word of God will keep you from sinning(Psalm 119:11).

    bible meditation verse

    Yes, Jesus loves us unconditionally. But when we are in a love relationship we try as much as possible not to intentionally violate the other person’s standard. I want to please God. I don’t want to sin against God – Christine Caine.

    5. Please God and fulfill purpose.

    Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    Revelation 4:11 KJV

    Revelation 4:11 highlights a reason behind human existence; for God’s pleasure. This explains the Psalmist’s plight in Psalms 19:14.

    May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.- Psalms 19:14 NLT

    This means when we please God, we fulfill purpose.

    The Psalmist also highlights ways you can please God. One of which is through the meditation of your heart.

    The meditations of your heart will certainly please God when it is directed at His word!

    6. Hearing God speak directly to you and your unique circumstance.

    This is how bible meditation differs from bible reading: it unveils how God is uniquely speaking to us through a bible verse(s) and how to apply it to our unique circumstances.

    There are days God has so much to tell us. Sometimes, he has very little to say. A few other times he is simply waiting for you to act on what he has already said. However, you can’t know for sure until you have spent time meditating on his word.

    A person who meditates on the word of God receives answers, solutions, and wisdom pertaining to an issue or situation.

    7. Precise Discernment in the Word of God.

    Reading the word would provide a semantic understanding of scripture(ie a rough idea of what a passage of scripture is talking about).

    Meditating takes it deeper and makes it more detailed. From the place of understanding (where the Holy Spirit has brought us), we can tell apart white from black and ash from black.

    8. Sustained Spiritual Joy.

    The word of God is able to engage our feeling and work an interest in us.

    The Bible, like other literary works, is interesting but different as thus; the feelings that it excites are eternal, true, and Godward. It is a source of great delight.

    Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.- Psalms 1:1

    what the bible says about meditation

    When you experience the Word in such a manner as this, the Bible calls you blessed. You are happy.

    Meditation is that faith-based and biblical exercise that arrests our hearts long enough to experience the joy in God’s word.

    Ps 62:11-12 and Exodus 14:13 are some bible verses to meditate on. Recite these verses and see for yourself.

    9. Builds a Strong Focus or attention “muscle”.

    Daniel Goleman in his book titled “Focus”, highlights several benefits of mindfulness including the growth of attention muscle, higher vagal tone, speedy recovery from upsets, etc.

    When we meditate, we keep our minds fixed on something which in this case is the word of God. As we do this regularly, we exercise our minds and build our focus muscles.

    Yes, of course, meditating on the word of God has biological and physiological benefits as well.

    10. Expands thinking capacity and cognitive abilities.

    Inevitably, the result gotten from the practice of bible meditation will trickle down to other aspects of our lives. The skills and proficiencies acquired from this exercise could be adopted in other non-spiritual endeavors like academic study or creative functions—for instance.

    I, for one, discovered my mind was evolving and my thought processes were richer and more effective. Below is what I had to say about it back in 2021.

    mind evolution; one of the benefits of bible meditation


    Meditating on God’s Word will help you understand it better, internalize its truths, and learn from it. It requires time and effort, but it is beneficial in the end.

    My final charge to you is to meditate on the word of God. Delight in his delight.

    Utilize the wisdom behind the command in Joshua 1:8 to meditate in God’s word day and night. It takes a lot of time. However, the longer you spend meditating on the word of God, the fuller the benefits.

    Create time for it and do it frequently

    Pro tip: In moments when you come across a bible you feel the need to meditate on but don’t have enough time to do so, create a bookmark for it and ensure to check back when you have ample time.

    Achinike Amadi
    Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.

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