Self leadership Articles

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Featured image for post titled Quotes about self leadership including personal development quotes, self care quotes etc

37 Elemental Quotes about Self Leadership

Unleash the power within yourself with a collection of inspiring quotes about self leadership. These words of wisdom will empower…

Use your Spirit to subdue the mind

Is it possible that the reason you keep indulging the flesh is because You continue to allow the mind have…
featured image of the bible study titled "Benefits of speaking in tongues"

Why Tongues: 9 Edifying Benefits of Speaking in Tongues.

The Church today has met the Tongue Gift with mixed feelings. Within her numbers are people who either reduce it…

7 Ways to Draw Closer to God Daily: A Beginner’s Guide

Drawing closer to God is a desire every Christian should have. It is necessary to examine ourselves periodically to see…
featured image for the blog post about funny bible verses. Scroll to read the funniest bible verses.

23+ Funny bible verses and commentary that make you love God & the Bible more.

In times passed, Men who were inspired by the Spirit of God wrote about God, mankind, and their relationship across…
Speaking in tongues is one supernatural ability every believer ought to function in to attain certain levels of spirituality and enter certain dimensions in Christ.

Speaking in Tongues: Meaning and how to activate.

Speaking in tongues is one supernatural ability every believer ought to function in to attain certain levels of spirituality and…
A curated list of bible verses about speaking in tongue. Learn what the bible says about the tongue gift

23 Bible verses about speaking in tongues

…… to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. This a snippet…

From the Library

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