What are the signs of knowing God exists? 5 signs to know God exists.

What are the signs to know God exists? God’s existence isn't a thing of the past. He still exists and…
Achinike Amadi

on May 7, 2024

  • What are the signs of knowing God exists? 5 signs to know God exists.
  • What are the signs to know God exists?

    God’s existence isn’t a thing of the past. He still exists and because of that, everything on earth moves, lives, and has its being.

    For most, the statement above is met with complete acceptance and belief owing to the fact that over 56% of the World’s populace practices a religion that believes in some form of a creator deity.

    But there are also others who would read the opening statement with unseriousness. Why? Because They don’t believe the concept of “a God” is real.

    The Standpoint of Skeptics.

    When questions about God’s existence like the one above come up, an atheist could have any or all of the three presumptions;

    • God is not real.
    • God does not want you to know of his existence.
    • God is too dumb to provide you with any real evidence.

    Sometimes, they underplay God’s ability to provide a unique sign capable of convincing a certain individual and go further along to assume No one has received any of such signs.

    Well, there are signs alright. They are not exactly readily found by the naked eye. That’s why the idea of the existence of God is inconceivable to many.

    To discover these signs, you would need to depend less on logic and science and search inwardly with faith.

    signs to know God exists

    5 signs to Know God exists.

    The primary reason, I decided to write on this is to try to shine more light on the eyes of our understanding so we can see God more clearly.

    I hope this article reassures believers of the existence of one true God, Yahweh, and provide a new perspective to see God and his light.

    Please read, with an open mind, some signs (not an exhaustive list) that point to the existence of God.

    1. Nature.

    God created all things and all things are and were created for his pleasure. Everything in our natural environment exists because God willed it so.

    In Nature, we see the nature of God. The beauty and splendor. The intentionality and usefulness. The underlying wisdom that keeps things in balance. They say something about God.

    Take the skies for instance. The sky above proclaims his handiwork Ps 19:1. When you appreciate nature, you’d begin to see the mind of God.

    2. You.

    Humans are characterized as high-level, sentient being capable of self-awareness. That includes You.

    You were created in the image of God by God (Gen 1:26-27) who gave man dominion and power over the earth.

    When we kill the flesh(sinful nature), we begin to see the resemblance.

    Where did we get those good intangible qualities and virtues appraised in today’s day?

    3. History.

    God is a God of history.

    Archaeology and its related sciences are still uncovering truths today. There are Memorabilia of Jesus.

    Also, through pilgrim and tourist visits, we can find physical evidence of tombs, alters, mountains, and other physical structures that have biblical and Godly relevance.

    Though history does not directly signify the existence of God, it tells a congruent story with the story about God in the bible.

    4. Dark and Evil powers.

    Interesting, that this makes the list. It has an uncanny and unconventional way of pointing to the existence of God.

    If you believe in the existence of evil spirits, principalities, and powers, you might as well take it a step further and realize a sovereign divine being exists.

    The world hasn’t been swallowed up in darkness, has it?

    The good Lord who is light lives and seats above them in sovereignty. All the power belongs to him. He created them and they are only rebellious.

    5. Experiences.

    There is nothing truer than the experiences that led to your salvation.

    Ever been enslaved by Death, the tyrant, and watched an aspect of life slowly die?

    I have.

    Thankfully, I was saved, healed, and delivered. I know and I am convinced He lives. Glory to Yahweh and His Messiah, Jesus.

    How about those times during bible study when the word of God becomes animated within me providing guidance, comfort, encouragement, and correction (2 Tim 3:16)? Or the gifts of the Holy Spirit to which I testify, I have.

    You don’t have to take my word for it. Ask your maturing Christian friend who has no reason to lie. They’ll tell you how their experiences have signaled the existence of God.


    Science will slowly catch up.

    The first letter from Paul to the church in Corinth explains why. Find answers in chapters one through two.

    If you want to find God; If you want to know he lives and exists, then search for him wholeheartedly with faith. However, faith is impossible without first having an open and receptive mind.

    Your physical and social environment wouldn’t help either if you’re in the wrong company. Doubting and LuckyThomas was in the right company, surrounded by the right people. Guess what? He received all the proof he needed (John 20:24-28).

    Achinike Amadi
    Hello there, I am Archie. I share and curate digital resources to help you practice self-leadership.

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